Minnetronix Medical’s Mick Fry Featured in Medical Design & Development

Mick Fry, a senior product principal engineer at Minnetronix, was recently featured as contributor in Medical Design and Development.

Mick’s article “Why Your Manufacturer Belongs on the Design Team” covers how the upfront implementation of Design for Excellence (DFX) tenets and principles can ensure a streamlined, predictable, repeatable production process.

Beginning with the end in mind is a critical step in the design and manufacturing process. From the article:

To be most effective, the entire development team should be aligned, motivated, and facilitated to use the DFX discipline to its fullest extent.

By intentionally expanding the conceptual phase of the development timeline, with a disciplined mindset and adherence to the tenets of DFX, companies can get a jump start on product commercialization, hurdling over much of the firefighting and change orders inherent in first-article builds, pilot runs, and process validations.

To read the full article, Click Here

About Minnetronix Medical

Since 1996, Minnetronix Medical has accelerated medical device breakthroughs as a design, development, and manufacturing partner to leading device companies around the world. Today, through lifecycle efficiency, opportunity realization, and increased utility, the company creates value in key technology segments that include optical systems, RF energy, fluid and gas management, and stimulation & active wearables. From design and manufacturing services to whole product solutions, Minnetronix has the expansive industry insight and intentional technical acumen to deliver better medical devices to market, faster.

To be most effective, the entire development team should be aligned, motivated, and facilitated to use the DFX discipline to its fullest extent.

By intentionally expanding the conceptual phase of the development timeline, with a disciplined mindset and adherence to the tenets of DFX, companies can get a jump start on product commercialization, hurdling over much of the firefighting and change orders inherent in first-article builds, pilot runs, and process validations

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