In vivo reversible electroporation (or EP) is an enabling technology that allows for electropermeabilisation of the cell membrane to facilitate…
Commercializing Clinical Electroporation Systems
At Minnetronix, we are experts at developing high-quality in vivo electroporation systems that get to market quickly. We believe that…
The Spectrum of Applications for Medical Fluid and Gas Management
In the medical field, managing fluids and gases, both inside and outside of the body, presents many unique challenges. Products…
Choosing the Best-Fit Med Device Partner
Start with the end in mind, and your choice of partner will be clear. General Manager Jim Reed sheds light on the 5 types of partners and what they bring to your project.
Partnership Through All Stages of Development
Minnetronix’ engineering, design, and manufacturing capabilities allowed the client to partner with them through all stages of development, taking intellectual…
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