Fast Track Small Business Innovation Research Funding Accelerates Minnetronix’s Platform Strategy to Bring Adaptable Technology and Market-Ready Products to Customers
Minnetronix Medical Gets FDA Clearance on Innovative Neurosurgical Access Platform
Medical technology company expands on 25 years of experience with new portfolio of neuro devices, including expandable port for deep brain access.
Companies study Medtronic plans in race to bolster ventilator production
Medtronic’s public release of the plans for one of its mechanical ventilators is one push in a worldwide quest to build much-needed ventilators…
St. Paul-based Minnetronix gets $1 million in state grants and loans
The medical technology company Minnetronix Medical said that $1 million in state grants and loans will add jobs…
DEED backs Minnetronix expansion in St. Paul with $1 million
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development will issue a St. Paul-based medical manufacturing facility $1 million in grants…
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