The Key Takeaway Minnetronix’s OneBrain case study shows how AI and Traditional Machine Learning techniques can inform medical device requirements…
Lazurite and Minnetronix Medical Make New Wireless Surgical Camera a Reality
ArthroFree™ wireless navigation successfully used in humans
and manufactured at scale to meet expected market demand.
Minnetronix Medical Launches World’s First Expandable Brain Port, Now Available to Neurosurgical Market
With successful human use and new distribution partnership, Minnetronix’s first internally conceived and commercialized product takes med device partnerships to…
Securing FDA Approval – Combination Drug and Delivery Devices
FDA approvals are complicated, but some products are more complicated than others. In the case of combination products, those that…
Business Challenges for Electroporation – Controlling Voltage
There are many barriers to getting your medical device to market. The standards for medical devices are extremely high, with…
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